- Do you know of any financial
assistance programs available to help people like
me? I have Post-traumatic FMS, after having
tripped on a phone cord, which was dangling
across a doorway at my previous place of
employment. I fell onto the tile floor and hit
just about every point on my right hand side,
including my head, which was whip-lashed
sideways. Worker's Comp denied me further medical
treatment, after four months. When I appealed
their decision, I was Terminated from my job - as
being unreliable. I'd been employed there for
five years and nine months. (In actuality, I was
so reliable, that my boss didn't have a reliable
back-up person to fill in for me, in the event
that I might have an emergency - so, who's really
the unreliable employee here?) I can't get
Unemployment Insurance because I'm not capable of
holding down a full-time job; as well as the fact
that my ex-employer is standing firm about me
being unreliable, which is a bunch of b---s---.
I'm one month away from being homeless, as I have
no income, no savings and no credit line
available. I wasn't able to pay my Creditors this
month and don't foresee being able to pay any
amount any time soon. When I tried to get one of
them to freeze my account, they said that it was
impossible. I told them that they have the option
of waiting until I get a settlement or else
they'll be forcing me to go bankrupt. As anyone
with FMS knows, it's difficult enough to just get
through the day, trying to keep my cat and myself
fed, my plants watered and my house clean. (My
cat comes first and if I get any of the other
things done, it's a miracle. I usually find
myself eating once a day, around 8 pm) Now, I
have to spend my time researching FMS, CF and
MPS, so I can prepare myself to attain an
attorney who will believe in my cause. I will be
filing a Personal Injury suit against the company
who loved me for so long, then threw me out into
the streets when I needed them most. I even have
pictures of the dangling phone cord which was
draped across a doorway that I'd used for over
five years. I couldn't believe that it was still
there, the day after I fell!!! If anyone knows
who I can contact for some financial assistance,
please let them know that they could
"attach" the loan, plus interest, to my
settlement. My "overhead", not ncluding
paying any Creditors, is $2,000 a month - before
I can eat or put gas in my tank. I had just
signed a six-month lease on a condo, seven days
prior to getting Terminated. In addition, I HAVE
to keep the Isuzu Trooper I'm leasing. If I
turned it back to the company, I wouldn't have
any way to purchase another vehicle, as my credit
has been ruined. Thank you, in advance, for just
taking the time to read this. I live on faith
that the right doors will open - and I'm spending
a lot of time trying to open doors to the
unknown. Here I am, writing to an unknown entity,
asking for help. HI
- Je vous écris par
l'intermédiaire de ma fille.Je vis en Suisse. Je
fais partie de l'association du Valais. J'ai la
fibromyalgie depuis l'âge de 15 ans. J'ai
actuellement 60 ans. Je peux donner des
renseignements sur les douleurs car j'ai les 18
points de douleurs de la maladie qui sont dehors.
Au début, les médecins ne connaissant pas cette
maladie, n'ont absolument pas chercher autre
chose qu'une dépression. Je me trouvre
actuellement entrain de faire de l'acupuncture
qui me calme plus des massages très doux. Je
m'absente sur ordre médical 3 semaines dans un
centre de repos. Ou on me fait faire de la gym
douce,de la relaxation et un peu de piscine à un
degré de 30. Suisse
- I just wanted you to know that I
just sent a copy of your petition to everyone i
know , family, friends and internet friends, and
asked each and every one of them to send you
their signatures. I would sign it a thousand
times over if i could. I told them that. I also
told them not to take my word for it , and to do
a search on the internet on fibromyalgia, as
there are a lot of wonderful sites on the subject
and they are very informative. I asked them to do
this as an unknown valentines gift to any and all
people who suffer needlessly in severe pain and
other terrible diseases. In ending, I wish you
good luck on the signatures, keep in touch, and
- I am so glad someone is trying to
get help for all of us who suffer from this
disease. Thank you so much. If anyone needs room
to put their web pages please let me know I would
be glad to add them to my web site since I have
unlimited room at my site.
- Hi, Wanted to thank (copy of my
letter for you, Louise) you for signing the
petition and to let you know how important it is.
Please pass it on to everyone you know and ask
them to sign too, and also ask them to pass it on
and so on and so on. We need thousands of
signatures, I am helping Louise as if she is
successful with this in Washington, it in turn
helps me and all our other sufferers. So, in
closing , I would like to share with you my reply
from Louise. Thank You again to all of you for
your time, signatures and your help in passing
this on. May God Bless each and every one of you
and keep and protect you and your loved ones from
never having , getting or knowing what this
disease can do to you ,make you feel, or feel a
fraction of the pain , that we, the victims of
this, know and feel. My wish for all of you is to
stay healthy, and never fall victim to this .
Thank You.
- J'appuie cette petition je connais
bien cette maladie je l'ai depuis plusieurs annee
il me reste que 40% de ma capaciter jobserve
toute les recommandation et je survie Granby
- Thank you for your e-mail. I was
pleased to hear from you and thank you for the
information. I greatly appreciate your efforts.
It is time we are recognized as having a real
disease, not just "mental". Keep me
informed as to the effects of the efforts that
are being made, please.
- As today is the 5 year anniversary
of the date I first filed for Disability, and
denials are still coming in, I feel this is a
wonderful thing you are doing. Thank You Utah
- Yes, I want to sign the petition.
As a sufferer of fibromyalgia for more than 8
years without diagnosis, I am indeed in full
support of making others aware of this condition.
- Hi Everybody, I know that I
usually forward cute little emails, to hopefully
send a smile or two your way. Today I have a
different message and plea for help. This is not
some generic email about someone you don't know
who is in need of help,or one hoping to get a
chain started or even just something to tug on
your heart strings. Though I hope it does and you
will want to get involved. This is about a
subject very close to my heart, two diseases that
I live with everyday of my life, Fibromyalgia and
Myofascial Pain Syndrome. I suffer from these
diseases and so I know first hand what this
petition is all about. I am asking all the people
I call my friends...who know me personally, and
have SEEN the horrible changes in my life due to
these illnesses, and also those who only know me
via the internet to PLEASE sign this petition. We
need all the support we can get, more and more
people are inflicted everyday by Fibromyalgia and
Myofascial Pain Syndrome. From what I have seen
through my own experience and also through many
friends who have this disease, only a handful of
Doctors care enough to even try to treat it. I am
one of the lucky ones who has a good doctor, but
as most of you know, we no longer have medical
insurance and it is becoming harder and harder to
be able to afford the medications I need to be
able to have any quality of life at all these
days. My hope is that those of us who suffer so
needlessly will soon be taken seriously and we
can once again enjoy our lives, our families and
our friends again. I love you all and thank you
in advance, Utah
- I have suffered for 5 years. I was
at the end of my rope a couple of years ago. Then
I was prescribed pain medicine. If I couldn't
take prescription medication, ie. Vicodin(pain),
Wellbutrin(depression), I know I would not be
here today. I agree with the petition and support
it 100%. Thank you. California
- I have fibromyalgia amoung other
problems. It is broadspread, largely found in the
female population, and needs real focused
respectful and compassionate attention from the
medical community and the funding community. CA
- I suffer from
fibromyalgia and no one seems to care. My family
is sick and tired of hearing about it, so I do
not even bother complaining anymore. The pain is
so intense I wonder how I will get through
another day. Sometimes I do not even want to get
up, but if I don't I feel paralyzed, and my
joints crack so bad. I would not quit going to
the doctor until I got some answers. He sent me
to physical therapy and they said you know this
is all in your head and said insurance would not
pay for treatment , so just shape up get happy. I
refocused and walked out and never returned to
pt. I keep trying to tell myself it doesn't hurt
I'M ok but I'M NOT. I need some relief. Someone
please help.
- I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia
Syndrome 2 years ago.When first diagnosed, I
literally could not find anything on
Fibromyalgia. Since then, I have been able to
find books, articles and newsletters specifically
for Fibro. I know at least 5 other's who have
this disease. I seem to have more daily pain and
require more pain killers. Unfortunately, by all
of doctors I have seen over the past 2 years I am
considered an addict. I feel that I have built a
high tolerance to pain pills. I have never taken
anything stronger then advil before being
diagnosed. I don't understand, what makes anyone
think that the pain I experience is not real. I
have to beg for pain medication. Every doctor I
have seen talks a good talk when it comes to
knowing how to treat Fibromyalgia. They don't
know!!! At least they should be more honest.
(there is only so much they can do) at least make
me comfortable so i can function. I'm still at
the baby stages of dealing with this syndrome. I
know I have a long way to go, but if you could
recommend a doctor or therapist.
( anything ) would be helpful. I also would like
to get involved in anyway I can to help in this
petition. New Jersey
- Hi Louise; Yes,
the French threw me a bit, but I figured it would
get to the correct place. It did. Your petition
was given to me by a member of the Fibromyalgia
Support Group that I facilitate. I am a
nurse-counselor with the yucky fibro. Is there a
petition that I can get patients and others to
sign, on paper, not computer? We have so many
patients going through our office, did I mention
that my husband was a Rheumatologist? Undoubtably
we could get many signatures that way. Write
back- Good luck-
- I have been suffering from this
illness for roughly 11 years. Working in the
health care profession as a Nuclear Medicine
Technologist I have seen countless doctors not
only minimalize but ridicule patients
diagnosis/symptoms of Fibromyalgia. I myself have
reduced my work schedule to three days a week and
some on-call evening and weekend work due to my
symptoms. The general public has virtually no
understanding of how much impact fibromyalgia can
have on one's life. NC
- I am an FM support group leader
affiliated with the Arthritis Foundation, and
train people to facilitate support groups as well
as teach a 7 week FM self-help course, also train
people to teach the course. This document will be
available at our March and April meetings and I
will be sending it to all the support group
leaders I deal with. WA
- I too have
fibromyalgia; and am going for my S.S. hearing on
2/26/99. We need more people to know about and
understand it. My family has supported me through
all of it. But many people are not as fortunate.
Doctors need to recognize it as MEDICAL. As well
as social security. It is debilitating. I have
not been able to work in over two years. I am
lucky to get out of bed and make it to the couch
every morning. Thanks for petitioning.
- I sign and support this petition
for Fibromyalgia Syndrome & Myofascial Pain
syndrome. I support all parts of this petition,
and request my government to respond positively
to all of this petition. This truly is
incapacitating torture. I have been ill with
both, compounded with stabbing eye pain. Each
doctor I saw medicated me, and then brushed me
off. They bounced me around and acted frustrated
and even agitated to have me there. After they
medicated me, they simply said good luck and tell
them how things work out. That meant they were
finished with me...... next doctor..... where do
I turn now?! This became emotional torture along
with the physical torture. My dog's veterinarian
is more concerned about my condition than the
doctors I have paid to help me in the past 2
years. These conditions are taking over people's
lives all across our nation. Please help us.
- As you know, this is not a life
and death issue but a quality of life issue,
which too often becomes a life or death
situation. We have been robbed of our lives by
not being able to live it to the fullest. I
applaud all of your efforts, and in particular,
would like to thank Dr. Devin Starlanyl for her
courage in helping bring this invisible pain to
the attention of the medical community, through
persistence and dedication, and for her
inspiration of hope to all those in her FMily. I
personnally thank her renewing my hope and
passion to help bring about change and awareness.
We can be our best advocates. God Bless and good
luck with all your efforts! NY
- The doctor thinks
i have some of the symptoms of this disease and
related diseases,,,if there is any info,,about
this and other related things dealing with this
painful disease could you please inlighten me
about it as in addresses or other
resourses..thank you
- Je souffre de
fybromyalgie depuis environs trois ans j aimerais
beaucoup recevoir la documentation que je viens
de lire sur votre site ou plus si vous en
posseder j ai longtemp cru que je souffrais de
syndrome de la folie tellement personne ne
pouvais trouver le mal dont je ressentais les
effets de plus en plus nefaste je suis tres
heureuse de savoir que je peut maintenant trouver
toute l information necessaire pour me soulager
et le corps et l esprit merci a vous a l avance
