- I've never taken the time to sign a petition,
start a petition or done much of anything that might get
the attention of someone or something, whether it be a
big corperation or whatever to help make a change in the
way things have been done. But I must insist that
something be done to help those of us who suffer
miserably from fibromyalgia. I was hit with it severly
and at a rapid pace after a surgeon who removed my
gallbladder and nicked my liver. He knew that I had
seepage from that nicked area on my liver but decided to
close my incision anyway. My liver ruptured and for three
days I laid at home and almost died. Finally after 7 and
I repeat 7 rejections of pleas for help from this
surgeon, I was fotunate enough that my husband got me to
a different hospital were they saved my life. I was so
badly filled with infection that I had peritonitis, and
they had to leave my incision open so that I could heal
from the inside out. Shortly after that I began to feel
and experience all these unusual systoms... first of
which was paralysis in my arms at night that would awaken
me from sleep in a paniced state. I have not had a decent
night's sleep in I don't know how long. I'm so fatiged
all the time that I can't trust myself to drive any
distances for fear that I will "nod-out" while
driving. I've become so dependent upon a cane because my
knees buckle. My entire body is affected and around my
surgical site I have such extreme pain. On a daily basis
there's not one part of my body that's not affected. So
please, please, please, do the right thing and do the
right thing. We need more research. More education.
Anything that can be done should be done to help those of
us who are strictened with this horrible dibilitating
disorder. I'm only 44 years old and I feel like
I'm104,...I wonder how much longer can I go on with no
hope in sight. This is a real problem, a real disorder, a
real disease that needs to be honestly addressed. Even
though I have it worst than most it doesn't make their
disorder less important than mine. We live in the
greatest country in the world, the richest one to I might
add, so again please, please, please help us. Sincerely,
- We need help with this
strange, horrifying disorder. It is really more than a
disorder or syndrome--it is an eternity. It is something
you wake up with, go through the day with and try to
sleep through the night with. It is almost a death, only
it's worst- because you feel you can't handle the pain
anymore and you can't bear the tiredness, the feelings of
total confusion and despair. You life is just the same as
being over because you are unable to carry on the day to
day things you use to do. It is so painful, you don't
even know which part of your body hurts the most. And the
misunderstanding you get from those around you makes it
even worse. Long term disability insurance that I had
been paying on 10 years will not even cover me, I have
had to drop my medical insurance because I am unable to
work, I am a single mother of 5 children and 2
grand-children (3 children
at home) and my days are very hard. I am about to lose
everything I worked for my whole life because I have no
other resources. I have applied for SSI but nothing at
this time. Where do we turn with this?
- I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in Sept 1996,
but had suffered with this disease since a motor vehicle
accident in which we were rear-ended while stopped at a
red light in 1989. At that time I was a communications
supervisor with a small police dept and very good at my
job. I continued to expand my career in law enforcement,
until 1994 when I was forced to quit my job as chief
records clerk, 911 liason, warrant clerk, communications
supervisor with a midsized sheriff's dept. I had begun to
miss to much work and it was hard for my bosses to find a
replacement for me at a moment's notice. I went an
additional 2 years while my doctor tried to figure out
what was wrong and during this time the fibro fogs and
the stuttering began making my life a living hell on
earth. My husband and my doctor both began to think that
I had become addicted to pain medication after I had
thyroid surgery in 1995. Finally while in the hospital
for intractable headaches in 1996 all the pieces came
together and we finally had a diagnoses. Since then it
has been a learning experience for both my family, my
doctor and myself. Please recognize this disease for what
it is. I have been taking Celebrex
for the last two months and it has given me my life back.
I have had one flare in that time and I was able to
function through it. This medication has given me back my
- Je signe cette pétition
avec beaaucoup d'espoir! Je suis victime de la
fibromyalgie depuis déjà 4 ans, et je suis mère seule
de 4 enfants âgés
entre 7 et 15 ans. J'espère que cette maladie sera
officiellement reconnue!! Bonne journée à tous ceux et
celles qui vivent la même chose que moi...
- Je suis très intéressée par ce que vous
proposez dans votre association. A quelque part, je m'y
retrouve tout à fait en lisant votre document sur la FM,
et, je partage votre opinion. Je me sens soulagée de
vous connaître. C'est mon médecin psychiatre, établi
en Valais/Suisse, qui m'a ouvert les portes de votre
association aujourd'hui même en me transmettant les
coordonnées concernant votre site Internet. J'aurais
bien aimé signer votre pétition, seulement je suis
citoyenne helvétique et apparamment il n'existe pas
encore, à ma connaissance, un tel engagement et une
telle mobilisation en faveur de l'information et d'une
prise de conscience du public et du corps médical. Votre
prise de position en faveur d'une reconnaissance et d'une
prise en compte de la Fibromyalgie de la part des
assurances sociales me paraît prioritaire. Beaucoup de
patients atteints par cette maladie doivent effectivement
faire face à des difficultés d'ordre économiques
insurmontables générant un stress supplémentaire qui
agrave leur états douloureux et psychologiques. Certains
patients n'ont même pas la possibilité (difficultés
financières en raison d'un arrêt de travail ou manque
de temps en cas d'impossibilité d'obtenir un arrêt ou
une diminution du temps de travail de la part de leur
médecin) de s'offrir les thérapies pouvant améliorer
leur état de santé et leurs souffrances. Je fais partie
de ces personnes qui parfois se trouvent au bord du
désespoir et je peux vous affirmer que je ne suis pas la
seule. Dès l'or, connaissant votre prise de position,
votre engagement, votre soutien et votre dynamisme en
faveur des FM,je me permets de vous demander si vous
pourriez m'indiquer,si, à votre connaissance, il existe
en Suisse une association, un organisme ou un groupement,
oeuvrant dans le même sens que votre association et qui
serait en relation avec vous. Je vous remercie infiniment
de toutes les informations et l'aide que vous nous
apportez et vous félicite pour votre précieux travail.
Meilleures salutations ! A Bientôt j'espère!
- I agree with you regarding
the petition. I have
costochondritis/fibromyalgia/myofacitis/arthralgia after
an injury in 1993. This disease has almost destoyed me
and I have decided to fight back and am tired of being
pushed around. Today, the Mayor of Salinas made a
proclamation to declare today, National Fibromyalgia
Awareness Day, and was very pleased. It is hard to find
the support groups that want to be active in finding a
cure. I don`t want to pity myself I want to get better,as
well I am sure you do,too. It is hard when you feel like
you are fighting the battle by yourself. I was pleased to
see your petition, but a little reluctant. Please keep me
nformed of anything that comes up and let me know what I
can do to help, if I am able.
- I was diagnosed with FMA 8 years ago, and have
continued to experience worsening symptoms, having to
take an indefinite leave from a respiratory therapy
position 12/97.
- Two months
ago, I almost lost my mother to suicide, because she
couldn't live with the pain. She's been in a psyciatric
hospital since, and she's not getting any better. Last
night she was admitted in the intense care unit for chest
pain, because she was overmedicated on the weekend. Since
she got sick a few years ago, and she had an insurance
coverage with the London Life, she was denied because
they dont recognize this disease. She also has coverage
for a new car to cover the payments if she would get sick
but again she was denied. And her latest attempt the
Ontario Disability denied again she is on appeal and its
the same for CCP. Now she is in a deep depression she
diabetic etc... I would like to learn
more about this disease, so I could help my mom and
people like her. (my neighbor's been trying to get CCP
for years and she always denied )
- I will sign this petition. This is long overdue
and from someone who has suffered with this disease many
years it doesn't get any better it gets physically and
mentally worse. I understand why people would commit
suicide with this disease. Anything is better than
- Petitions are good, but without recognition or
representation in Washington, I'm afraid he will continue to go on suffering
in silence....This is a good first step, but there will have to be
more mobilized AND have representation in Washington....If we could find a
Represenative or a Congressperson who has a family member or close friend
who is suffering from Fibro, that would help enormously....Think about the
"Gray Panthers" who eventually became AARP..I don't know if I want to
donate my brain, I'm only 50 and not thinking of dying now....I did years ago when
I believe I first manifested my fibromyalgia....I still have
flares and bouts, but I'd much rather live for the good times and not dwell on
the present hurtings, confusion and pain....Without sounding smuggle
or denergrating, I'd rather see a support group that upbuilds rather than
dwelling on a life lived less than "normal".....As for
people going the Kervokian route, that I can't agree
with unless they are truly
terminal....Maybe because I have a great Rheumotologist who has been
nothing but encouraging and helpful towards me, that's why I feel this way.....
I say take charge of your
fibromyalgia and don't let it take charge of you....Let's write our collective
represenatives in congress to find out if anyone of them will take up our
cause....Statistically there should be someone who know's someone with
fibromyalgia in Congress or the Senate....As soon as my computer
is fully fuctional again (hopefully with a new hard drive installed this
weekend), I can sign the petition AND write my Congressmen and
Senators....Let's make the year 2000 a better one for
us....I am forwarding this
petition regarding National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day
for you to read and sign if you wish. I hope you will
support me and my fellow Fibromyalgiacs in getting this
ignored illness recognized. More research is desperately
needed and public awareness will help make this possible.
Thank you.
- This is very important to me. I have suffered
from Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction
Syndrome/Fibromyalgia/Myalgic Encephamyelitis for 14 +
years. I have been unable to work even part time during
the formative years of my life. My life has been
destroyed by this/these diseases, and our government
chooses to ignore us even though the pain and the
exhaustion and the cognitive symptoms have drained my
life from me. I am not as sharp as I once was (our IQ's
have been demonstrated to drop- most peoples' stay the
same or go up in lifetimes), I suffer excrutiating pain
throughout my body that is unrelieved by even the
strongest narcotics, and I sleep maybe 2 -3 real hours
per week, making my emotional life very difficult indeed.
I have been an advocate for cfids- I want to sue the
government because they ignore us. I have started a drive
for us to donate our brains upon death to researchers
like Dr. Goldstein who believe that ultimately, something
is wrong with our brains that is causing havoc throughout
our bodies. I have not one body system that has not been
affected by this. Many of you see me use the bathroom too
frequently for a young person- FMS symptoms. Many of you
have watched me drop out of school repeatedly- I have
become clinically unable to read at times and have been
dyslexic for short periods in my 20's, and the rigors of
school have been too much on my body. I no longer see
normally- everything is too bright, too loud- for 14+
years. I throw up several times weekly. I am now
suffering extreme arthritic pain for which I have been on
24 mg. of prednisone- enough to melt your bones, because
my pain is so bad, and they cannot for sure pin it down
to anything but maybe the fms. I have suffered in silence
when no one would listen or believe that I was really
sick. I was told I was "manic depressive,"
"slept too much," "hypochondriac"- I
have been yelled at by doctors because antibiotics did
not work in my body because at the time I had a cdt4/cdt8
immune system profile that looked like an AIDS patient's,
and because I still currently have an extremely
abnormally low natural killer cell activity, the cells
that kill cancer cells that are always growing in our
bodies. I have suffered in ways you will never, ever know
because I was too ashamed to tell you because people kept
telling me this was "all in my head." Please
click on this website and add your signature for me. Do
this for the 5 people I know last year with
fms/cfids/m.e. who killed themselves because the pain was
too much and their doctors told them it was all in their
heads. I have wanted to die because of this, more than
anyone can know. 3 of us nationwide have already been
"treated" by Dr. Kervorkian. 25-50 years ago,
MS was known as the "faker's illness." Please
don't let another year go by with my devastating illness
considered today's "hysteria" or "faker's
illness." Print out this website and have everyone
you know sign it TODAY before another minute of our
suffering goes by. Please help. NY.
- Having had Fibromyalgia myself for more than 6
years, I am ecstatic to finally see this disease
being taken seriously. I to have had Doctors,
Family, and Friends say that they think "it's all in
my head". Please hear our plea for
mercy! We are in significant pain both physically
and emotionally. We need Fibromyalgia to get
le site de la fibro et tout ce qui contient il y a
beaucoup de travail la dedans super cool ,je sais le
temps y es aussi mais ne lâche pas ,moi je demeure à
Les Cèdres au sud -ouest de Mlt.et si je peut faire
quelque chose fais le moi savoir , cela me ferais un
plaisir de me sentir utile pour le groupe et encore merci
- Hi, I too am a person suffering from FMS and CFIDS. I
have had this dibilitating for over 5 years. Because of
FMS I have been unable to work or even preform the
simplist of household duties. Alot of times it makes you
feel totally useless. Constant pain that never goes away.
Of course I am on many different medications,
Paxil,Flexeral,Ultram,Indocin... all of this and the pain
is still there. Nothing takes the pain away, the meds.
help very little. More research needs to be done
about this disease, and doctors need to realize that
patients are not faking the disorder, nor is it all in
their head. I too have been told that by doctors, that
and " you will have to learn to live with it",
Yeah right!! Easy for them to say!! I could go on and on
about this disease, but I'll stop here. Hopefully this
petition wil help make it so people with FMS can get help
as others do with dibilitating diseases.
- j'ai ça aussi,
dommage que dans ce cas, cela ne se partage pas, je crois
plus que cela se multiplie. Merci de faire ce que vous
faites. J'ai l'impression que quelqu'un sait ce que
j'ai et que j'existe encore.
- I am a 34 year old mother of 4 young boys who has
fibromyalgia. I am hoping for greater awareness, and
knowledge on the whys and whats of this disease. Signing
this Petition in hopes for more awareness and knowledge
of what it really is and what are it's causes.
- I would like to sign the Petition for
Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. Since I was diagnosed 2 years
ago, I have found "some relief". Before that
time, the medical community made an embarrassment of me
and the medical condition that I was suffering. I wish
that on no one . Fortunately, I had a loving and devoted
wife that understood my situation and stood by me. I am a
41 year old male and according to the Rheumatologist, it
is his opinion that I have had this condition for 8-10
years. Good luck.
- merci pour toute tes traductions sa me donne beaucoup
d'information sur la fibro m"aide a tenir le coup a
garder l'espoir bravo!!!!!!tout ton travail aide
beaucoups de gens
- I just found your letter on Internet and the
description you made about fibromyalgie is very realist.
I was diagnostic last friday & I'm not sure I'm
direct correctly, so if maybe it is possible for you to
give me more informations, please come back to me. Oh!
I'm sorry maybe my english is not so well. Feel free and
confortable if you can not write to me. I will not have
problem with this.
- Thanks so much for the information, how true it is.
If only those that think there isn't anything wrong with
us had to walk a mile in our shoes for one bad day, I
don't think we would have any problems with the
disability problems we all encounter. Please keep
in touch.
- Top
of the afternoon! My name is
Stormy and I am 46 years old. I have Myofascial
Pain Syndrome and a serious form of Degenerative Disk
Disease of the Spine, plus Hepatitis C. I also have
a herniated disk at T7-T8, which is pressing on my spinal
cord- (slowly causing paralysis, dropfoot and bladder
problems). Right now
they can only control the symptoms, but surgery on the
herniated disk is in the near future. There are no
guarantees with this surgery, (without it, I will
eventually be paralyzed). Even with that... I will
still have the MPS/Fibromyalgia and a crippling disease
of the spine- (my disks are slowly just wasting away to
almost a powder). I was
fortunate enough to find a wonderful doctor, familiar
with this disease, at a Pain Clinic in Anchorage,
Alaska. I suffered for many years, went to so many
doctors who did not have the knowledge... therefore could
not find anything wrong with me. After finally
getting completely frustrating and tired of slowly
wasting away, I started doing my own research and
educating myself. Then I researched the
specialists- to find someone who would listen, understand
what I was going through, and offer what relief he
could. It's hard enough to slowly find yourself
becoming disabled, and for a long time not understanding
why... and have so many doctors tell you- "Oh, it's
just another viral or flu bug, sinus infection, stress or
perhaps it's in your head". After two
years of going through that, and taking enough
antibiotics to kill a horse... I told these MD's that I
was not going to play their game anymore. This is
when I decided: it is my life, my body- I've lived
in it long enough to know that something is seriously
wrong... and it was time for "ME" to take
charge: by that I mean, educate myself, (which is an
on-going process each day), and then find the right
doctor to work with me- in my efforts to try to have as
normal a life as I can, control the pain, and not treat
me as an inferior- or just another # on a chart.
joined the "Fibromyalgia/Myofascial Pain"
Network, which is a wonderful source of
information. But, I would love to hear from others
who have this disease and perhaps, we can exchange
information, education, or just communicate with someone
who "REALLY" understands what living with this-
is all about. My email
is: stormy@mtaonline.net I
also have a "Hepatitis C" support group, and
anyone with this disease can also contact me.
to hear from you soon, and pass my email address to
anyone who might be interested. Take care and most
important..."Keep a Positive Attitude"!
My feelings are that if faced with any obstacle, or
disease- remaining positive, (which can be very hard,
when you feel like cr-p!)- is one of the most important
factors. When we loose hope... we have already been
beaten! This is the one thing that kept me going
when I found out 3 years ago that I had Hepatitis C, with
stage 3 liver disease- and was on Interferon injections
for 2 years. I have alot on my plate alone... but
when I start to feel sorry for myself- "I just say,
Hey- it can always be worse", and I think of others
who have serious diseases, or children with cancer- who
haven't even had a chance at life yet... but they always
seem to have a smile for you! Cool
Runnings, Stormy
- The Government has not handled this issue in any way that
I can say has been beneficial. We NEED to be able to
research what we already know, not wasting money and time
to 'prove' it (Fibromyalgia) exists. I know this sounds
repetitive because that is what this petition is all
about but it seems to be closed. I have had fibro for
about 18 years and I'm only 30. Maybe some of this info
(my name, age, Country etc) can be used for another
positive purpose.
- Bonjour Louise, j'ai 35 ans... A la lecture de
ton texte, j'ai éclaté en sanglots... C'est mon
histoire que j'ai lu à travers ces lignes...Une triste
histoire qui a commencé à la petite enfance à la suite
d'une encéphalite vaccinale à 5ans... Depuis ce temps,
je ne me souviens pas d'une seule journée où je n'ai
ressenti aucune douleur, ni malaise... Pourtant,
j'essayais de fonctionner comme tout le monde... Mais
depuis 2 ans, à la suite d'un zona à la tête, ma
vie est devenue un véritable enfer.... En dépit
de tous les médecins et spécialistes que j'ai vu
jusqu'à présent, personne n'a été en mesure de
diagnostiquer la cause de mes douleurs et de mes
dysfonctionnements de toutes sortes (digestif, hormonal
etc...) ... Durant le jour, je suis incapable de
fonctionner, je ressens des douleurs musculaires
généralisées et j'arrive à peine à m'alimenter car
les muscles de mon système digestif ne semblent plus
répondre aux commandes de mon cerveau... Les douleurs
inflammatoires touchent l'ensemble de mes muscles et ma
colonne vertébrale est, quant à elle, de plus en plus
rigide comme l'ont constaté bon nombre de
chiropraticiens et ostéopathes... Malgré l'essai
de traitements divers (chiro, ostéopathie, acupuncture
etc...), mon état n'a cessé de se détériorer au point
où l'on a dut me retirer dernièrement les 2 dernières
côtes flottantes à droite de la colonne pour cause de
calcification (ostéome) En dépit de l'opération,
rien n'a changé.... Mon cas fait dorénavant
l'objet d'une véritable contreverse auprès des
médecins qui me classent dans toutes sortes de
syndromes mais toujours sans diagnostic précis...
Certains médecins m'ont conseillé de voir un ''psy''
après m'avoir fait prendre toutes sortes de médicaments
(antidépresseurs, anxiolytiques, anticonvulsivants,
relaxants musculaires etc...) sans succès... En
fait, le seul médicament qui a stabilisé mon
métabolisme en réglant à la fois mes problèmes
digestifs et hormonaux ainsi que mes douleurs musculaires
fut 10 mg de cortisone par jour pendant 2 mois.
Durant cette période, ma condition s'est nettement
améliorée et j'ai pu reprendre espoir...
Toutefois le médecin qui avait consenti à cette
prescription a refusé de la renouveler faute
de diagnostic...Depuis lors, mes douleurs
musculaires ainsi que mes problèmes digestifs et
hormonaux sont réapparus (hypoglycémie, aménorrhée
etc) Pour sa part, le chirurgien qui m'a opéré m'a
confié qu'il avait vu des cas similaires au mien et
qu'il s'agissait de personnes souffrant de
fibromyalgie, une maladie auto-immune. J'en ai parlé à
des médecins mais de toute évidence, on ne
me prend plus au sérieux... Isolée de ma famille et de
mes amis, je suis devenue une véritable loque humaine...
Aujourd'hui, ma vie est synonyme de souffrance et de
désespoir... Que me reste-il à faire d'autre
que... A
- Anne-Sophie a été diagnostiquée une deuxième fois par
le DR MEIGNIER du centre anti douleur de Nantes( clinique
BRETECHE). Le DR cité suit d'autres enfants jeunes
atteints de fibro. Nous avons rencontré SANDRINE 9 ans,
trés touchée et sa maman qui souffre depuis longtepms.
Anne-Sophie a eu les antalgiques par voie veineuse (
TOPALGIC: Morphine) puis par voie orale. Elle en prend
trois par jour associés à un quart de comprimé d'anti
dépresseur Déroxat. Elle revit. Elle vient de fêter
ses 7 ans et depuis 15 jours, " vit". Elle
saute, court, fait du vélo et a une la médaille de
meilleure volonté d'effort en natation à l'école. Elle
n'a plus ses fortes douleurs dans les cuisses, les maux
de tête sont brefs et les spasmes vésicaux sont moins
nombreux. on a même l'impression qu'elle se fatigue
moins vite. Par contre, elle perd quand même
l'équilibre en faisant du vélo et trébuche facilement.
Un copain a marché sur son pied, elle a eu mal toute la
journée aux orteils et ce n'est pas du cinéma. Enfin ,
nous avonsd fini le parcours du combattant à la
recherche d'un diagnostic qui a été tout de suite
évident pour le docteur. En sa présence, Anne-SOPHIE a
mis les points gâchettes sur une planche de dessin (
!!!) , il l'a précisé dans ses courriers à nos
médecins locaux. De temps en temps, elle a mal au
menton. Nous lisons régulierement vos messages et nous
essayerons le colustrum si les douleurs réaparaissent
violemment. Le DR a dit qu'il n'y a pas d'accoutumance à
la morphine. bonsoir à tous la maman de la petite
- I would like to thank you for the information on
fms and Dr.Starlanyl. It is good to know there is help
out there and people who care. Thank you
- Just would like to say my husband has this diease.
I have seen a man go from a man climbing the ropes with
one of the top grocery chains in this country. the last 5
years he has become totally disable by this
disease. He have the time dose not even know who I
am. And can not even get up out of bed. He dose not
have the abilty anymore to be able to take care of
himself. This disease not only distroys that persons
life. But the life of his family.Thank you for your
- Please recognize
this diease for what it truly is! A painful debilitating,
and depressing diease. This really needs to be recognized
by the disability community. I work but I'm not sure how
I get through it some days. Please help fibro patients,
if you had it you would recognize it for what it truly
is! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! I would make
a deal with the devil for just one day of relief from
pain I want my old life back, where I could function like
a normal human being. I have counted out the pills I
believe would take my life, but I'm scared I fail at that
and be left in a worse condition! As if that were
possible........ Sincerely
- We really need more research done.I agree no money should
go to doctors of research that think this is in our
head,or that it is depression.We that suffer from
fibro,know that it is not.Many are committing suicide
because they can not receive meds.that will give them
pain relief.This must be changed and quickly.Research has
proven that when you are really suffering from pain and
are not medicating to the point of feeling no pain,you DO
NOT BECOME ADDICTED.You may need strong meds.as the years
go on,because of tolerence build up,but this is not the
same as been an addict.
- forever aware of my pain. I am an
individual as normal as the rest of the world!
Treat me as such!
- recognize it for
what it truly is! I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy!
I would make a deal with the devil for just one day of
relief from pain I want my old life back, where I could
function like a normal human being. I have counted out
the pills I believe would take my life, but I'm scared I
fail at that and be left in a worse condition! As if that
were possible........ Sincerely We
really need more research done.I agree no money should go
to doctors of research that think this is in our mind.
- Je suis très heureuse de signer cette
pétition,qui je l'espère sera prise en
considération.Il serait temps que les médecins
comprennent que nous ne souffrons pas toutes de
dépression et que ces douleurs ne sont pas imaginaires.
- Félicitation pour ton site, je souffre de
Fibromyalgie depuis trois ans je ne peux plus travailler
pendant les deux premières années j'ai écrit écrit,
même avec les douleurs qui m'envahissaient et j'ai fait
un livre qui m'a beaucoup aider.Par contre je signe cette
pétition avec coeur en espérant dans un avenir
rapproché que les médecins nous prendrons au sérieux
et feront avancer les recherches.
- J'appui pour qu'il y est plus de recherche et de
reconnaissance de la fibromyalgie car j'en souffre et on
ne la reconnait pas et je n'ai rien pour m'aider.
- I am 64 years, female and I have a
very disabling fibromyalgia. I first knew it's pain
and spasm at age 5. My entire life has been very
- I would like to sign my name to your petition against
pain! I am a FMS suffer and wish to help in any way I
can, no one should have to suffer as we do, it is
horrible! Lets make the world see and understand as best
we can.
- I have had this syndrome for over 20 years, and
just learned in the past two, what it
is. I have been grossly undertreated for my
pain and symptoms. My family, my
ex-husband and my doctors in general have believed that I
was crazy, a hypochondriac, or both. I have not
been able to work in over 18 years. Please help me
and others with this devastating, life-destroying
disease, before we, too, decide to take "the
Kevorkian Road".
- I very much appreciate your website and all the info on
chronic pain disease. We are a four generation family
with Fibromyalgia and I suspect the line of illness goes
way back further. Pity those who never had a name or
acceptance of Fibro as my horribl first 45 years of
suffering was this secret hell. Now we ARE REAL. I still
resent Doctors who ignore our symptoms so we are still
quite isolated but maybe our day will come...
- Je me joins avec un grand plaisir
à votre chaîne humaine des fibromyalgiques afin que ce
syndrome soit reconnu et que nous soyons enfin entendus
mais surtout compris. Je souffre de la fibromyalgie
depuis des années, le diagnostic a été prononcé en
1993 suite à un long processus de rencontres médicales
plus décevantes les unes que les autres.
Je vous félicite pour
votre initiative d'un site internet français sur ce
syndrome, je sais que vous y avez mis beaucoup de temps
mais aussi plein d'énergie. En attendant que cette démarche porte
fruit, le plus tôt possible j'espère, je vous souhaite
bonne chance et bon courage! (du
- Ayant à vivre avec la fibromyalgie tous les jours, je ne
peux que me réjouir de pouvoir signer cette pétition.
Ce syndrome est très invalidant. Il est grand temps que
les gouvernements, les médecins et les compagnies
d'assurances reconnaissent qu'il y a différents degrés
d'affectation de cette maladie. Quand la fibromyalgie est
diagnostiquée comme étant sévère, il est impossible
de continuer un travail rémunérateur. S'il y avait plus
de compréhension, peut-être que les personnes atteintes
pourraient reprendre avec le temps un peu plus
d'autonomie sociale et financière. Nier un fait réel,
c'est faire l'autruche devant ce que l'on ne connaìt
pas. C'est ce qui se passe présentement dans le monde
médical. Il y a des physiciens et des rhumatologues qui
sont payés par des compagnies d'assurance afin de
contredire un diagnostic de fibromyalgie. Qu'est-ce que
ces médecins ont fait de leur code d'éthique? Aider
financièrement des compagnies d'assurance ou la Régie
des Rentes au détriment de la douleur physique et morale
des patients, c'est quasiment TUER des malades!!! Il faut
que la médecine revienne à ce qu'elle doit être,
c'est-à-dire soulager la douleur des personnes!!!
- Bonjour! je désire signer la
pétition sur la fibromyalgie.souffrant moi-même
de la fibromyalgie depuis plusieurs année,mais cela fait
deux ans que je sui traité pour cette maladie. Les
médecins croyaient que J'étais atteins de la scléros
en plaque. C`est avec plaisir que je soutiens votre
- Merci pour les
articles.... C'est
très apprécié car on se sent bien seule avec cette
- je suis declarer invalide par le medecin de
l'expertisede la régie des rentes un raiglement or cour
j'ai fais ma demande 1993 Jai du suspendre la procédure
3 ans a cause de quelques problemes tecnique et repri en
1996 je fu refuser et revenu en1999 pour etre enfin
accepter tout cela pour dire qu'il faut toujour
percévérer une grande victoire pour la fribro et pour
nous touts granby repender la bonne nouvelle
- I wish to add my name to
the petition to increase awareness of the intense pain
caused by having fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed with
FM about 10 years ago, although I think I've had it for
much longer, as I have been taking a lot of aspirin or
acetominaphen for about 20 years. I am unable to
work because the pain is too intense, and if I take
adequate pain medication, I am unable to concentrate on
even "easy" tasks. I was a legal
secretary for nine years and had to quit when the
symptoms from the FM got to the point where I used all my
sick days in the first three months of every year, and
got docked thereafter. I ended up actually losing
money from working, as all of my expenses, especially
medical, had to be put on my credit card. The
pension fund that I accumulated on that job was converted
into an IRA, and I had to withdraw $8,000 of it under the
disability provision to pay it down so my family would
not be burdened with the debt. That was in 1996.
As it is, Social Security
has denied my claim and my credit card is back up over
$5,000 because I can't afford prescription insurance, yet
I need the medication, so we charge it. This causes
me great despair, as I am being supported by my mother's
pension and we are getting poorer and further in debt by
the month. I have an attorney who has asked me to
see physicians who will work with him to continue my
Social Security claim. We cannot afford any
doctor's visits, so I am unable to comply. In the meantime, the plumbing in
our house is over 50 years old, and we don't even have a
flushable toilet. My 78-year-old mother has to pour
buckets of water down the stool and use a plunger every
time someone goes to the bathroom. The water pump
is near collapse and taking a shower takes 3 times longer
than it should because we have to shut the water off and
wait from 5 to 7 minutes for the pump to shut off before
we can turn the water back on, otherwise the pump will
quit and we cannot afford to have it fixed. I would
like us to have 20th century plumbing before the 21st
century, but that doesn't look as if it is going to
happen. Recently, UPS
"lost" my shipment of pain medication and it
didn't arrive until 3 days after I had used up all of the
pain medication. Even taking over 15 extra-strength
acetominaphen a day and 2 or 3 times as much Ultram (left
over from another prescription) as recommended didn't
make the torture bearable, and the stress it put me under
for those 3 days left me sick for a week. I
wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy. I would so appreciate if
Congress took this illness seriously and would allow the
Social Security Administration to include fibromyalgia on
its list of disabilities. Maybe then our lives
would get back to something resembling normal, and my
elderly mother would no longer have to aggravate her
arthritis by plunging the toilet several times every day.
- I am signing this petition because for the last
10 years I have suffered from chronic pain, which as of
this date, my physician believes is a result of
fibromyalgia/myofascial pain syndrome. Although, he
doesn't really know how to treat it, at least he gave me
something to start researching myself. I am suffering
needlessly because of the lack of expertise or
willingness to admit that these conditions can be so
debilitating. My pain is so bad that I can't concentrate
at work and I have no quality of life. I am sick of
being sick and doctors treating me like I am some kind of
hypochondriac. I beg of the medical profession to open
their eyes and really help people like myself.
- I've had it 9 years. I was a superisor at Bell
Atlantic. After, 24 years i had to take a long term
disability and fighting for social security. It limits my
walking. Ihad too much pain, sleepness nights, fibro
fog. This is a very depressing . I can no
longer clean my house or do grocery shopping, etc. Please
help this be recognized and be accepted. Thank you
- I ahve had FM for 9 year Lost my job due to it.
And have been denied 3 times with SS. Tried going
to work part time and could not do the work. We all look
healthy but we are not. I walk now at times with a
cane and can not even change the linen on my bed. Simple
chores have become major work for me and others.
- Je suis du Québec. J'ai été diagnostiquée
fibromyalgique depuis près de huit ans mais je sais que
j'en souffre depuis plus de dix ans. Mes douleurs
ont commencé sur des endroits très spécifiques mais,
avec les années, non seulement je ressens beaucoup de
douleurs aux points spécifiques, mais aussi, je ressens
des brûlures partout dans le corps. Je n'ai pas
vraiment de répit; toutes les nuits se suivent et se
ressemblent. Les douleurs ressenties durant le jour
diffèrent un peu d'un jour à l'autre, la fatigue aussi
sans toutefois qu"elles me laissent tranquille. J'ai
eu beau essayer la physiothérapie, l'acupuncture, ... il
n'y a que la massothérapie qui m'a légèrement
soulagée. On m'a fait essayer depuis dix ans des
infiltrations de cortisone, des anti-inflammatoires de
toutes sortes (pendant trois ans) qui ne menaient à
rien; j'ai l'impression que la médecine n'est pas
beaucoup plus avancée. Il faudrait beaucoup plus
de programmes de recherches.......... Je me dis
qu'une opération au coeur (qui représente une période
difficile mais temporaire) ou un cancer (celui qui
présente un haut taux de réussite) est plus facile à
accepter, même si le spectre de la mort est présent.
Car la maladie chronique, ce n'est pas évident à
supporter, surtout lorsque ça dure depuis des années et
qu'il n'y a pas espoir d'en sortir un jour; de plus, il
est très difficile pour les personnes non atteintes de
comprendre vraiment ce qui se passe en nous; il faut leur
pardonner car même plusieurs professionnels de la santé
ne le comprennent pas non plus. On ne veut pas
passer pour des paresseux, alors on fait bien des petits
gestes (comme transporter des paquets) qui nous donnent
de la douleur mais on les fait quand même. J'ai
quand même compris qu'il fallait que je pense un peu à
moi et je me repose de temps en temps. Merci pour la
diffusion de cette information et pour l'énergie que
vous mettez à cette pétition.
Adapté pour une pétition par Louise
Email: LouiseRochette@gmail.com