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- I have two
daughters with Fibroyalgia and they need
all the help they can get. Hope
this helps I am a retired nurse.
- Having suffered for years I
sign the petition.
- Suffering from
Fibromyalgia for 15 years.
- I am
signing the petition electronically from Omaha,
Nebraska, USA. I only thank god every
day that there are people, specifically, some
doctors, that believe that
fibromyalgia is not "all in our heads."
I cannot understand how anyone could
believe that millions of people throughout the
world could collectively be
conspiring to create a condition that does not
really exist. Please give
doctors and medical students the information and
tools (i.e.,medicines) that they need to relieve
countless numbers of sufferers of fibromyalgia.
- I will be
putting on AOL message boards. Have already sent
to a bunch of friends that have
FMS/MPS.{{{and pain-free wishes}}}
- Bonjour Je
suis atteinte de douleurs insuportables depuis
plusieurs années , des années de soufrance et
d'incompréhension de la part de tout le monde y
compris mon médecin et c'est aujourd'hui que mon
médecin ma confirmé que je souffrais de
fibromyalgie chronique depuis tant d'années et
ce grâce.aux recherches que j'ai fais sur cette
maladie et tous indiquait que c'était cela.
J'aimerais si possible avoir de la documentation
sur cette maladie merci a l'avance.
- Please
consider this my signature on the above Petition.
I'm so pleased you are doing
this. The Good Lord knows we need all the help we
can get and it's time our
govern- ments took their heads out of the sand
and faced this very real
- I agree
with your petition. It is very frustrating to try
to describe this illness,
making others understand what our daily lives are
- This
disease is disabling, destructive, and deadly.
With all my suffering, I have
lost my husband, children, home, posessions,even country. I tried for years
to get disability, hand got mocked and tortured instead. I had to
move in with some people in Canada,or be sick and homeless....and
still....the medical system laughs when I mention the name
- I fully support anything
that might make the general public and
health-care officials more aware of the pain and
suffering that people with this syndrome go
through. I have had fibro for 15 years and am
only 25 years old. Having been a child with this
debilitating disorder, I know how important it is
that help be offered to the children. If I can be
of any assistance to your cause...
- This is my
petition for more public support needed for
persons who suffer from
fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome; as
well as other related medical
conditions. There needs to be
a significant increase in research and education grants, as well as public
awareness, for research and allocated by all governmental agencies to
address these challenging and unique problems associated with
Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Syndrome and Chronic
Pain Syndrome. The medical
profession needs continuing education in this area in order to treat
these patients.
- I do not
have this, but i support a dear friend that does.
- I would
hope that there would be
more done in educating the puplic,
through tv shows such as 20/20 on fibromyalgia syndrome. We need more
information put puplic on this very real but invisable
syndrome and how it effects a persons life and their families
&friends . This needs to be made readlly available so many of us
need this.
- I would
like to sign this petition and also make it
available to all the people at my
website and those who just surf-thru. This is an
extremely important cause
to people in chronic pain from others even
without Fibromyalgia. But
with chronic pain of any form. If it can be of
any help to sign this, we will
have so many signatures, they cannot let it go unattended to.
- I printed the petition and
i have over thirty friends that has signed it ..
One of my friends i gave a copy to wants
to take it to church and get some more signitures
we are going for one hundred each. Will let you
know . She also has Fibo. Thanks for e-mail me .
If you have any informatation i would be glad to
receave it . HAVE A GOOD DAY.
- I too like many others
have fibromyalgia and most people don't know what
it's like. It's painful every day and unbearable
many. More research and more doctors that
understand this disease should be done now.
Please add my name to your petition.
- I would like to add my
name and address to this petition. More people
should be made aware of these conditions. I have
suffered with FMS for the past 6 years and many
have no idea what this is.
- I have had
FMS for over 8 years. I struggle daily with the
symptoms from it and suffer
- I sign the
petition AND suggest you read and perhaps link to
my site... I have found that with any illness it
is of utmost importance and up to us as
individuals to take responsibility or
our illnesses and not rely on the government or
the establishment to do it for us. That doesn't get the govt.
and medical establishment off the hook but it empowers US
significantly... and I believe that is a very big
part of our healing.
- Why should
every keep the suffering when there is a
temporary answer available. I myself suffer from
a disease that was so devasting to me that sucide
was an answer. That God for after 10 years I
found someone willing to help me and found the
right medications to make me feel 100% better and
suicide is the last thing on my mind. Please help
these suffering people move on to more productive
lives with medication, nowledge, research and so
- Il m'a fait
grand plaisir de signer la pétition. Je sais
pertinemment que c'est grâce à
une action concertée que nous réussirons à
faire avancer les choses.
- Étant
donné, que dans ma famille nous sommes dix
enfants dont je suis l'aînée, que
plusieurs d'entre-nous sommes atteints à divers
degrés de fibromyalgie, que
parmi les petits enfants, quelques-uns, dont ma
fille Josée, démontrent déjà
certains traits de cette maladie, je crois que je n'aurai aucun mal à avoir
d'autres personnes qui accepteraient de signer la pétition. Par ailleurs, j'espère
que par l'action entreprise (la pétition), nous réussirons à recevoir
l'écoute nécessaire de la part de nos
dirigeants afin que des sommes
soient attribruées à la recherche concernant la fibromyalgie. Pour ma part, j'essaierai
de communiquer avec des personnes qui pourraient être sensibles à ces
besoins pressants. Par conséquent, lorsque des démarches seront
effectuées et recevront des possibilités
d'encouragement pour nous tous,
je me ferai un devoir de vous en faire part dans
les plus brefs délais. Enfin, je souhaite que
l'opinion publique change à ce sujet puisque
nous faisons face,
quotidiennement, à beaucoup de préjugés
- Please
add me to the petition on behalf of several
friends, my aunt, and my step-mother who all
suffer from fibromyalgia.
- Par la
présente, je désire apposer mon nom sur la
pétition au sujet du syndrome de la
fibromyalgie/syndrome de la douleur myofasciale. Je souffre de fibromyalgie
diagnostiquée par mon médecin et par des rhumatologues. Donc, je
désire soutenir cette action enclanchée et je souscris au bien fondé de
cette pétition.
- We need somthing done as we
all suffer a lot thank you.
- I would
also like to see funding for testing FMS patients
in trial studies for
Celiac Disease. I believe that it is possible
that FMS might even be
undiagnosed Celiac Disease and not necessarily a
separate medical
- PLEASE pay
attention to those of us who suffer from
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
We need help. PLEASE read and abide our petition.
- I have more than one
friend suffering from this and I feel this should
be recognized formally as a disease.
- If you
don't stand for something, you will fall for
anything......Michael Evans......
- My mother was diagnosed
with FMS 3 years ago, although I know she had it
for at least 10 years before it was officially
diagnosed by an FMS specialist. She also has
Huntington's Disease and has been unable to work
for 4 years. She has been fighting a losing
battle with the Social Security Administration
ever since and has yet to receive a judgement on
her 3rd appeal, or one penny in benefits. I
sincerely hope that this petition will get enough
names to make a difference. Perhaps the next
person won't have to fight so
hard with strength they don't have to spare.
Thank you
- After I
emailed my "signature", I printed the
FMS / MPS Petition to Congress and also the
"Print Form to Circulate for
Signatures" from the website. We have a
newly formed support group here in the Permian
Basin - Odessa/Midland, Texas area. I am going to
make this form available for signatures at the
next meeting and I'm sure our members will be
glad to sign their names to this petition. Thanks
for your quick response to my signature. It is
comforting to know that someone somewhere is
aware of the effects that fms has on patients and
familes and that someone is doing something to
further research, etc. Will there be info after
petition is presented to Congress? Thanks again.
- I suffer
from chronic myofascial pain in upper body
(results of repetitive stress injury), and maybe
some fibromyalgia, but not diagnosed for f/m as
of yet. Good luck and best wishes for all of us
in pain every day.
- You can add
my name to the list of "real people"
- She is 86
yrs. old, and has FMS + 5 types of arthritis. She
is very active, but in pain. BTW. Rhonda has FMS
and is only 33 yrs old, and is very
dehabilitating at times. Bonnie is the
Grandmother of Rhonda and Michelle. Michele has
not been totally diagnosed with FMS but has all
of the symptoms, but to a jaw injury it has made
it difficult to pin down. Military Drs. also.
Sacramento, Ca.
- I suffer
from FMS as well as Degen. Disc Dis. and Degen.
Joint Dis. As a result, mainly from the FMS, my
quality of life has been reduced to approx 1/4 of
what it was a short 4 yrs ago. Thank you.
- My wife has
suffered with this malady for approximately 10
yrs. and was only diagnosed with it the last year
& a half. We have been strugling with the
trying of one treatment after another to
hopefully find relief for her. Utah