À tous ceux qui ont cette maladie, continuez à vous battre contre la dictature de grosses compagnies qui ne vous soutiennent pas. Lâchez-pas!
J'approuve à`100% votre démarche et j'e`spère que la recherche avancera et que de l'aide financière sera apportée à ceux qui en ont besoins.Moi je suis monoparentale et je ne peux travailler que 15 à 20 heures semaines au salaire minimum,alors imaginez mes angoisses financières?Félicitation,pour votre belle initiative.
Hi, my name is Sarah, 22, one day in October 1999, I woke up one day to exercise on my NordicTrak and I just couldn't do it. I began to loose my strength and I became very depressed because I didn't understand. After about a month, I went to a doctor who referred me to a neurologist. Then I went to my gynocologist. Then to a Natural Doctor. I endured several painful tests, but it seemed as though the doctors were unsure about what was wrong with me. I even considered a treatment refered to as kelation. I was tested for diabetes, myasthenia gravis, and I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in March 2000.I get a lot of support from my family and friends, though for a while it was very difficult for them to understand my disorder. Something I hardly understood myself. It was very hard for me to accept my limitations because I'm young, single, and full of life, yet lacking the sufficient energy to keep up at times. BUT, I am working on being positive. At present, I am studying to become a Clinical Exercise Specialist, a Personal Trainer for those with serious health problems like Fybromyalgia. Doctors today do need to be more educated about Fibromyalgia to help their patients to understand that their symptoms aren't "all in their head" when the blood tests come out fine. I know I'm just one signature, but I'm also an experiance.Sincerely,